Ace matches any price for comparable service by a qualified professional cleaning company.
If you are looking for a new cleaning service, how can you be sure if you are hiring the right company at the right price? Have you ever wondered why the prices can vary so much from one cleaning company to another? Or, can the cleaning company with the lowest quote provide high quality service? It's our goal to provide you with a better cleaning service at the best price.
Three factors that determine price and quality:
Type of Company

Do you know who will be cleaning your office? Will the company be supplying its own staff and equipment or subcontracting your work out? Franchises and subcontracting companies typically send salesman out to quote a job and are often the lowest bidders in the cleaning industry. The franchisee or subcontractor who accepts the job is left with the challenge of providing a quality service at a low price point. To keep their costs down, subcontractors and franchises often use inexpensive equipment and pay their staff less. This leads to increased staff turnover and inconsistent cleaning results. Contrast this with Ace who hires and trains its own employees. We equip, train and pay our staff better, so we have minimal turnover and provide a higher quality service. We’ve invested in automated systems to provide you with a better clean at an affordable price. So, before you hire your next company, find out who will be cleaning your office and how they equip and train their staff!
How can you know if the cleaning company you hire will meet your expectations? One way is to develop a cleaning schedule BEFORE you hire them. The schedule should include the type and frequency of tasks you want completed during each cleaning service. This schedule provides the cleaning company with the information needed to provide a quote and lays out the exact services you expect to receive. A cleaning schedule ensures that each cleaning company bids on the same exact services, allowing you to more accurately compare quotes. The cleaning company you hire should include a detailed list of your cleaning specifications in their contract. You can create your own cleaning specifications or contact us for a free consultation and we'll help you develop a cleaning schedule that will deliver the level of service you are looking for!
Cleaning Specifications

Equipment and Labor Costs

Janitorial companies calculate price based on their equipment and labor costs. Traditional, outdated equipment, such as string mops are less expensive, but require longer cleaning times. Cleaning companies that use low cost, outdated equipment can’t charge less because their labor costs are higher. Compare this to the high tech equipment Ace uses. Our auto-mopping systems are more expensive than a string mop, which increases Ace’s upfront costs. However, our systems clean faster and better than string mops, reducing our labor costs and improving the quality of service you receive. Therefore, we can bring you the benefits of modern cleaning technology without charging you more. So, call us today to find out more about our price match policy and demo our new cleaning technology!
Our technology produces better results at a better price. Get A Quote Today!
Effective Cleaning Saves You Money
Ther'es no doubt about it. When your employees are out sick it hurts your bottom line. Absenteeism in the workplace also puts added stress on other staff members. So how much does absenteeism cost the average business? Watch this short video and find out. See the "green" value of clean.
The Value of Clean: